The wise words of nature lovers-“Nature is not in a hurry, but anything can be done.”

Linda Teeter
3 min readNov 3, 2020

Nature-loving pearls will represent your love for the land. Many people live in urban areas, where nature begins to be neglected. Going back to nature feeds the soul.

The wise words of nature lovers are not just for climbers. Everyone has their own way of loving nature and the aphorisms of these nature lovers can describe it.
Nature holds many surprises for those who love it. For those of you who like to explore the extraordinary diversity of nature, these nature-loving aphorisms may be right for you.

Through the pearls of wisdom for nature lovers, you will realize how important nature is to life. There are many nature-loving aphorisms that can inspire you.
1. “If you protect canyons from windstorms, you will never see the true beauty of your carvings.” — Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

2. “Above every mountain there is a path, although it may not be visible from the valley.” — Theodore Roethke.

3. “Nature is not in a hurry, but anything can be done.” — Lao Tse.

4. The purpose of life is to match the beat of your heart with the beat of the universe, so that your nature matches nature. — Joseph Campbell.

5. “If I were a tree, I would have no reason to love humans.” — Maggie Stiefvater

Mahatma Gandhi.

3. “We depend on nature not only for our physical survival, we also need nature to show us the way back, the way out of the prison of our own minds.”

4. “Now we are in the mountains and they are inside us, fueling the enthusiasm, vibrating every nerve, filling every one of our pores and cells.”

5. “Nature has the power to heal because that’s where we come from, that’s where we are and it belongs to us as an essential part of our health and our survival.” — — Nooshin Razani.

5. The best medicine for those who are afraid, feel lonely or unhappy is to go out to a place where they can be calm, alone with heaven, nature and God. Because only then do you feel that everything is as it should be and that God wants to see people happy, in the midst of the simple beauty of nature. I firmly believe that nature brings comfort in all matters. “- Anna Frank.
Aphorisms of wise nature lovers
1. “Don’t forget that the earth loves to feel your bare feet and that the wind doesn’t play with your hair.” — Khalil Gibran.

2. “To forget how to dig the earth and take care of the earth is to forget ourselves.” — Mahatma Gandhi.

3. “We depend on nature not only for our physical survival, we also need nature to show us the way back, the way out of the prison of our own minds.”

4. “Now we are in the mountains and they are inside us, fueling the enthusiasm, vibrating every nerve, filling every one of our pores and cells.”

5. “Nature has the power to heal because that’s where we come from, that’s where we are and it belongs to us as an essential part of our health and our survival.” — — Nooshin Razani.

